New Product: Introducing Curacel Advance
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New Product: Introducing Curacel Advance

In health care, to deliver quality service to patients and build a profitable clinic, the healthcare business can no longer be done as usual. Around the world, every health care system is struggling with rising costs and uneven quality despite the hard work of well-intentioned, well-trained clinicians like you.

Introducing Curacel Advance

Curacel Advance will provide quick working capital to health providers to mitigate financial challenges. As a healthcare provider, you can get up to 70% of your claims payment by requesting an advance immediately after you submit your claims.

What it is

Curacel Advance is a cash advance product that makes it easier for healthcare providers like you to access working capital to mitigate financial challenges and enable you to offer quality services.

As a healthcare provider, you can access up to 70% at a 1% interest rate (charged monthly) of your submitted claims processed on the Curacel portal. In essence, once you submit your claims, your requested amount is disbursed within 24 hours to you.

Apply for Curacel Advance - It ensures you continue to deliver quality healthcare services without compromise to cash flow.

Why it matters

Available reports have shown that delayed payments mean many healthcare providers are often cash strapped, and cannot meet their financial obligations. Consequently, they are unable to pay salaries when due, drugs and consumables suppliers are also owed, thus making the facility difficult to operate.

Late remittance of payment, especially from health insurers, is one of the biggest issues that has affected quality healthcare delivery.

With this product, you can focus on what you do best – ‘deliver quality healthcare’.

Who gets it

As a consistent user of the Curacel Health Claims platform, your facility is eligible for Curacel Advance. You only pay a 1% interest rate monthly.

Are you interested? Apply OR Learn more about the 'Curacel Advance' product.

Have questions, send us an email –

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